
Our Vision and Mission

We envision a world where all industries are sustainable, low-carbon and circular

Our mission is to provide catalytic capital for companies to pass key inflection points, achieve full scale, and contribute substantially to mitigating climate change

Investment thesis

We invest in companies that eliminate emissions at their industrial source. Our approach is defined by logic, not hype—we embrace the hard-to-understand most impactful tech others miss. At the crossroads of Nordic innovation and Germany’s economic strength, we forge alliances to commercialise and scale fast.

We primarily focus on hardware and deep tech solutions augmented by software, which we refer to as hard tech
Hard tech entrepreneurship is mostly about making entirely new things possible. It's about creating opportunities and
solving real problems.  

We invest across Europe, primarily in Seed+ and Series A, with initial investments of €1-5m. We take both lead and follower roles in investment consortia.

True climate impact

We’re a pioneering Article 9 fund that reshapes the very fabric of industries.

The fund has a double incentives structure, with carry indexed on both CO2 emissions reductions and financial returns.

As one of the first venture capital funds with a double carry structure, Climentum is dedicated from day one to evaluate and only invest in companies that hold true CO2 emissions reduction potential.

Progressive team culture

Climentum is set up as a digital and remote-first organisation.

The team is based in some of Europe’s strongest climate tech hubs: Berlin, Copenhagen and Stockholm.

With a partner group consisting of two women and two men, Climentum is a highly gender-balanced VC organization.

Our Focus on High-Emitting Sectors



Food & Agriculture

Buildings & Architecture

